Mobile Planetarium Title One Discount Guidelines
Stars and Science Austin offers a 30% discount to aid economically disadvantaged schools to rent the Discovery Dome for up to a full-day visit to their school. We will choose up to two schools per month to participate in this discount program. In order to be considered for funding from Stars and Science Austin for this program, the school must submit the following 3 documents to Lucia Brimer and Bobby Corley at Stars and Science Austin at least 2 weeks in advance of the desired date:
The completed Application Form for Title One Discount (to prove financial need). Go HERE to fill out the Application form online. The form includes questions about school demographics, number of students, etc. You may save the form and go back to it, if necessary.
A completed Mobile Planetarium Reservation form. This is available HERE.
A Letter of Interest from a teacher, or a school or program administrator. The letter should be submitted via email to Reservations@starsandscienceaustin.com either as an attachment or in the body of the email. The administrator must either send or sign the letter. You must answer questions #1-3 plus either #4 or #5. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability:
Why do you want the Stars & Science's Mobile Planetarium to visit your school? What does the Mobile Planetarium Discovery Dome offer that your students would be unlikely to get outside of school, due to variables such as economic, social, or cultural background?
Has your school explored other means to raise funds for our mobile planetarium? Does your school district (if applicable) offer any extra funds to Title One schools for on-campus or on-site field trips?
What curriculum will it support, or what TEKS do you expect the visit to reinforce?
If the Mobile Planetarium is to be used during school hours, what do you plan to do in the classroom to prepare for the visit? Will this visit occur before, during, or after Space Science lessons?
If the Mobile Planetarium is to be used outside of school hours, what event will it be supporting? What do you hope the students (and parents, if applicable) will get from their experience?
Note that the 30% Discount will not be applied until we receive all 3 items listed above, including the Letter of Intent. Thank you for your understanding.
After the visit, the teachers and/or students are encouraged to fill out an Evaluation Survey, or send Thank You Notes and/or statements on how effective the planetarium visit was.
Please note that some of the materials, especially statements from letters and evaluations, may be used by Stars and Science Austin on our website or social media page. We will not publish any names of individuals unless we have specific permission from you.