List of Science Activities
We have a variety of science activities and demos that we can bring to your school or event. Most activities are hands-on, and are designed for a class of 25 students or less, and for grades K-9. Below is a list of the activities we can bring to you. If you are interested in a science topic that you do not see, let us know. We may be able to help you out.
All of our activities are inquiry-based and built around relevant TEKS. Each activity, unless noted otherwise, is planned to run about 30-40 minutes for each class group (Pre-K activities are 20-30 minutes). Our themes are:
Earth Sciences
Physics & Engineering
For Science Activity Pricing and Reservations, click HERE.

Sun’s Energy: Students will explore the Sun’s energy. They will learn the color spectrum and learn about ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light as they construct a bracelet. As they do their project they will learn about what the sun is, what it does for us, and being safe in the sunlight. Includes a chance to see the Sun safely through eclipse glasses, weather permitting. If time allows, we also use a telescope with special solar filters to look at the sun safety.
Bear’s Shadow: How does Bear’s shadow move as the Sun moves across the sky? Young students will explore this concept through the book, Moonbear’s Shadow and through using models of a bear and a flashlight sun to change the direction and length of Bear’s shadow.
Trip to the Moon: We will talk about what the Moon is like, then children will don “helmets”, gloves, and space boots for a trip to the moon! A large “moonscape” blanket spread on the floor will help the students envision the moon as we walk around and explore the moon’s surface. Depending on the number of children and time allowed, they can make their own paper bag helmets, or match picture cards of the moon to the different phases.
Day and Night: Using photos, a model Earth ball, a model Sun ball, plus flashlights and songs, young children will learn the difference between night and day, and that this is caused by the spinning of the Earth.

Sun’s Energy (K-9th): Students will master the color spectrum and learn about ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) light as they construct a bracelet or bookmark (determined by age). As they do their project they will learn about what the sun is, what it does for us, and different properties of light. Includes a chance to see the Sun safely through eclipse glasses and through a solar-filtered telescope, weather permitting.
Solar System Bracelets (K-3rd): Students will discuss the order of the planets in our Solar System and some features of each. Then they will make a bracelet using beads to represent the planets of the Solar System including the Sun, asteroids, and dwarf planets, to help them remember the order. They learn fun facts about the celestial bodies as they build their take-home bracelets.
Solar System Models (3rd-6th): If the distance from the sun to the edge of our solar system were 100 feet, where do you think each planet would be on that scale? Find out by guessing and then walking our solar system. The answers might surprise you! Can be done in a hallway or outside on the grass or basketball court. We will also look at the relative sizes of the planets. We also do an additional walk where the distances from the sun to the edge of the solar system were 40 feet, based on astronomical units (Earth - Sun distance). In order to bring the solar system down to a smaller scale with Pluto being at 40 feet.
Star Wheels (2nd-8th): Students will build a Star Wheel, or Planisphere, to explore the concept that different constellations are visible at different times of year and at different times during each night. This concept will be connected to the rotation and revolution of the Earth. Students will learn how to set and read their Star Wheel charts to help them find out what constellations they are looking at when they go outside at night.
Stellar Evolution Bracelets (4th-8th): Students will explore the concept of stellar evolution through making a bead bracelet, where each bead represents a different phase of a star’s life. They will be able to explore the life cycles of both small stars like our Sun and large stars that will explode in a Supernova. Will their star become a black hole?
Make a Comet! (3rd-6th): We will make a model comet, using dirt, Karo syrup, water, and dry ice. Each substance represents a component of an actual comet. Students will take turns helping to make the comet. This activity also works well at a table at a science fair.

Water Cycle Bracelet (2nd-5th): Students learn about the Water Cycle through making a water cycle bead bracelet and through the story A Wild Ride on the Water Cycle. Concepts such as evaporation, condensation, transpiration, precipitation, and run-off will be included.
Ecosystem Jenga (4th-8th): What happens when changes in ecosystems occur? Find out in this team exercise. Students, working in teams, will construct ecosystems of water, plants, herbivores, and carnivores using Jenga blocks, then predict what will happen as those ecosystems change.
Exploring Clouds and Weather (2nd-5th): Find out how clouds are made. Make a cloud in a bottle. Find out how hurricanes and tornadoes form and how they are similar and different.
Layers! (1st-8th): Students will make a model in a jar that shows layers that occur in nature. Projects include planet surface layers (1st+), atmospheric layers (2nd+), planet or sun interior layers (3rd+), geology layers with fossils (3rd/4th+), and ecosystem layers (3rd/4th+). Each student can take home their model.

Helicopter Challenge (3rd-8th): Students, working in teams, build a paper helicopter using only materials provided. They can experiment to see what designs work best. They learn that engineers can solve problems in a variety of ways and that failing the first time just means they need to try something different.
Mars Rovers (1st-9th): Students will build their own Mars (or Moon) Rover, using food items such as candy and cookies with frosting for "glue". Each rover must have a body, wheels, plus instruments such as a camera. Alternately, students may build their rovers out of non-edible items such as cardboard, paper, and popsicle sticks with tape and glue. Older students will also fill out engineering planning worksheets so that they can plan what they will do prior to building their rover.