Planetarium Programs
Our Discovery Dome mobile planetarium has programs for all ages, covering many of the TEKS for Earth and Space Science in grades K - 8 and for Astronomy and Biology in grades 9 - 12.
We have two types of programs: Interactive Educator-Led Star Tours and Full-Dome Immersive Planetarium Shows. Interactive Star Tours mostly use a free open source program called Stellarium. To download Stellarium onto your own computer, click here: http://stellarium.org. The Educator will use this program and others to display stars, constellations, planets, and the moon all around the inside surface of the Dome. He or she will ask the students questions and help them to explore and explain the workings of the universe around us. The Star Tours can vary in length from about 20 min to 60 min, depending on age of participants and what is requested.
The Full-Dome Shows are videos that again are displayed all around the inner surface of the Dome. They are fixed length; the length of each show is noted below.
Note that you may request different programs, or combinations of programs, for each group in the dome.
NEW! Solar Eclipse Shows In honor of the October 23, 2023 Annular Eclipse and the April 8, 2024 Total Eclipse, we are bringing you the new planetarium show Totality Over Texas. It is available in both a 10-minute and a 24-minute version. Click HERE for additional information.
Planetarium Show Rentals We have expanded our offerings by allowing you to rent a show that we do not have. In order to take advantage of this, we need to be able to access your Wi-Fi. Your internet connection must be fast, and reliable, because we will be streaming the show from an online source. There will be an additional fee for rented shows. A few of the shows available for rental are:
MS/HS Biology/Ecosystems
Elementary School
$50 for 3 days
$30 for 3 days
$30 for 3 days
$30 for 3 days
$50 for 3 days
Click on each image above to go to information on Full Dome on Demand about that show. You may need to scroll down to that show. For information on all the planetarium shows available to rent, go to https://www.fulldomeondemand.com/.