1. What motivated you to be in this industry?
When I was 9 years old. I read a book called Stars and Planets and I was hooked on the book instantly. I got my first telescope a year later.
2. How long have you been promoting space and science? Background in the industry?
Since April of 2018. I have been volunteering at Planetariums in Austin, Worcester, MA and Boston, MA since 2000.
3. What fascinates you most about space?
When I look up at the stars at night— I always wondered, is there an end to this universe? If so, how far is it and what goes on there.
4. Favorite moment involving an interstellar event?
In 1981, I saw my first Lunar Eclipse. I was able to see the moon entering the Earth’s Shadow. It was so awesome!

5. Favorite planet and why? Along the same line, favorite interstellar object and why?
I actually have three of them. Venus, Uranus and Pluto. They are all unique. Two tips on their side, one is the hottest, while the small one is the coldest. Overall my favorite is Pluto because there is much to learn from it.

6. What is your favorite science activity Stars and Science performs?
The Solar System Bracelet. After showing the kids what colors correspond to all of the planets. I also show them an updated PowerPoint Presentation. These are images that were taken of all the planets by spacecraft over the past 40 years!
7. What do you enjoy most about working for Stars & Science?
While working at a Middle School in Marble Falls. All of the kids were doing planet projects. At the end of each show, each kid knew what planet they were going to do. I found that to be the most enjoyable because even the teachers learned from me.
8. Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
I have knowledge of all the planets in the Solar System. I also know the names of all 88 constellations and their brightest stars. I am now working on memorizing the Messier Objects!

9. Thought provoking insight about the universe?
My thought provoking insight is that each star we see in the nighttime sky either was already born, evolving or even dying. By looking at each star, we get to see the evolution of stars. I think that is awesome!
10. How do you see Stars & Science vision for the future unfolding over the years ahead?
I picture us having steady customers for all of the services we offer on a weekly basis. I see successful star parties as well as publicizing the company at non-profit functions.
11. How do you see humans and space becoming more intertwined in the future?
I see humans' interest in space grow as we continue to explore the Solar System to get a better idea of how we, humans, evolved. We do this by sending more probes to learn more about the planets. As we continue to visit planets like Mars and Saturn’s Moon Titan, we will eventually establish bases that will connect us more.

12. For all the young aspiring astrophysicists, astronauts, and scientists out there, what advice would you share to help them along their journey?
Any advice I always give to kids, adults and even teachers is that every form of Astronomy is always based on truth. Never lie about facts. Granted, facts do change, but revealing information about such things and informing them of what they were about before and now is always appreciated.