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Science Activities Pricing and Reservations
Schools, Libraries and Non-Profit Organizations
Effective until October 31, 2022
1 hour - up to two separate groups
+Each additional hour
+Materials fee (varies by activity)
Evening (after 6 PM) and weekend fee
Effective starting November 1, 2022
1 hour - up tp two separate groups $115
+Each additional hour $115
+Materials Fee (varies by activity) $.50-$2.00
Evening (after 6 PM) and weekend fee $85
Includes 25 miles round trip from 14002 Owen-Tech Pkwy, Austin, TX 78728
Or 25 miles round trip from 542 Sanborn Rd, Sanbornton, NH 03269
+ Additional mileage $1 per mile
NEW: Due to rising gas prices, we will be adding a $3.00/25 mile fuel surcharge until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.
To reserve a science activity visit fill out and submit our registration form.
For a full list of science activities see our list of activities.
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